Am I an East Bay Dog?

To participate in daily group walks, all E.B.D.S. Dogs must be up to date with all vaccinations, be treated monthly for fleas, spayed, neutered and friendly with other dogs and handlers. We do not take aggressive dogs. If your furry friend fits this criteria; integration into the group will be quick!
We also understand that some dogs fit most requirements for group walks, but maybe their social skills aren't as 'fine tuned'. If you are looking to socialize your pup; we can help you do that too! The process of introducing them into the pack is a bit slower. First, we start with an individual walk so that we can assess your dog. As they become familiar with us & build trust, we then introduce your dog to our dog Willow (our Ambassador). We conduct walks together and then we eventually introduce them to the big group.
Because dogs are pack animals, being apart of the group is highly enjoyable. If group walks are not preferred, we also offer private walks in your neighborhood.
Before walks begin, an in home consult is arranged for you and your dog to meet Dominique, Hugh and eventually handlers who may pick up your pup. This is done to help dogs understand that we are friends and welcome in their home.

What makes East Bay Dog Service different?

E.B.D.S. prides itself on our focus to safety. We refrain from going to hiking trails. "Why not?" Although our trails are beautiful, there is greater risk of the dogs getting fleas & ticks (little buggers we wouldn't want coming back home). Seasonal poison mushrooms, and wildlife that can easily distract dogs from the pack.
However, proudly offer on leash and small group dog park experiences! Leashed walks create an environment where all the dogs feel as if they're working together. While walking in a pack, dogs learn to improve their leash skills. We implement basic commands and use positive reinforcement and treats. There is nothing more gratifying that a client noticing positive change at home and people proclaiming "They're so well behaved!!" while out and about.
Small Group dog park experiences are for pups who need that little extra burst for running and play. For this experience, all dogs must be friendly, polite and familiar with dog park settings.

COVID-19 Protocol?

PLEASE READ IN FULL: These procedures have proven to work well with all homes who have continued service. We are happy to provide references.
Safety is our priority, it is important that all clients have full transparency to how we operate during a global pandemic. We believe in science and are following the evolution of this virus closely through CDC guidelines epidemiologists and do not cut corners. While learning a lot in the past months, we feel confident in how we have adjusted our model to keep all dogs and humans healthy. We are grateful that our work is outdoors and offers for the absolute lowest risk of transmission of COVID-19.
  • We will text upon arrival within our regular pick up window.
  • Upon pick up, we ask that all dogs be harnessed, collared and ready to go. We will continue to use our own leashes.
  • Although fur is a weak transmitter, we kindly ask that if you have been sick or feel unwell, please do not allow your pup on outings. We may be able to arrange a private walk if needed.
  • We kindly ask that all parties have a mask on hand in case of close interaction.
  • Please do not hesitate to inquire with questions about protocols. We want nothing more that to have mutual respect and safety.